Something about goals
of this project, about content etc.
This gallery contains computational
visualisation of models of biological macromolecules. We have generated
them using cordinates determined experimantally by crystallography and
NMR methods.
Our installment includes an
introduction to the structure and function of the molecule, a discussion
of the relevance of the molecule

What is
- DNA - Each of the cells
in your body carries about 1.5 gigabytes of genetic information, an
amount of information that would fill two CD-ROMs or a small hard disk
drive. Surprisingly, when placed in an appropriate egg cell, this amount
of information is enough to build an entire living, breathing, thinking
human being...
- aminoacids - that particals
are like a molecular LEGO. All proteins are built from combination of
20 aminoacids
- nucleosom - The job of the
nucleosome is paradoxical, requiring it to perform two opposite functions
simultaneously. On one hand, nucleosomes must be stable, forming tight,
sheltering structures that compact the DNA and keep it from harm. On
the other hand, nucleosomes must be labile enough to allow the information
in the DNA to be used
- tRNA - complexity of protein
- nucleic acids interactions
- Antibodies are our molecular
watchdogs, waiting and watching for viruses, bacteria and other unwelcome
visitors. Antibodies circulate in the blood, scrutinizing every object
that they touch. When they find an unfamiliar, foreign object, they
bind tightly to its surface
- hemoglobine - super carrier
- porine -
- virus -