Marek Ostrowski
mobile (+48) 602 760031
SAMPER sci-art

Dr. Marek Ostrowski
Independent Image Information Study SCI-ART

Of the many co-lecturers and co-hosts in alphabetical order: prof. J. Axer, prof. S. Białousz and his group , dr. W. Brzeziński and his group, dr. K. Domaradzki, dr. A. Jankiewicz, dr. L. Królikowski, płk. S. Łagowski, dr. hab. W. Łucjanek, prof. Z. Makowiecki, P. Przymusiała, prof. M. Safian, dr. M. Staniszkis, Z.Walkowski, dr. T.Wi¶niewski, prof. S.Wrona and his group, and amongst others, should be mentioned

The sessions begin at 6 pm

The service of detailed on-line information will be operational February 26, 2003

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26.02 Panorama of Warsaw - changes in the panorama of the city in just the two last years. Public presentation of the assumptions of the intercollegiate scientific and didactic structure Forum Varsoviense that is just being created lecture hall, Faculty of Biology Warsaw University
05.03 Archaeological Panorama - together with the National Archaeological Museum Arsenal
12.03 Chopin Panorama (scientific&concert session , in co-operation with the Fryderyk Chopin Society). Ostrogski Palace
19.03 Aerial panorama I (a survey of the history of aviation on the hundredth anniversary of the first plane flight, combined with an exhibition at the Technical University). hall, Technical University
22/23.03 Aerial panorama II (reconstruction of the historical balloon launch from the Warsaw University courtyard with Aeroklub of Warsaw) courtyard, UW
26.03 Fortress "Warsaw" and its forts Infantry Headquarters - citadel
02.04 Panorama of water lines and sewage system (in co-operation with MPWiK S.A.) Filter Plant
09.04 Antique panorama (material and non-material remnants of antique culture in the building and functioning of the city) OBTA UW in Collegium Nobillium
16.04 Panorama of the 19th century intellectual salons Collegium Nobillium
23.04 Image information: reconstruction, identification and interpretation of photos, identification of the sites of photos taken in the course of the Warsaw Uprising lecture hall, Faculty of Biology
30.04 Imagining in the thermal range (in co-operation with ITC PW) lecture hall, Faculty of Biology
02.05 Constitutional panorama ((in co-operation with Polish Constitutional Tribunal) Polish Constitutional Tribunal
07.05 Panorama of the natural development of the city lecture hall, Faculty of Biology
14.05 Panorama of roads, axes, and centres, that organized and determined the origins of the building development of the city Technical University
Faculty of Architecture
21.05 Aerial and satellite imaging - data acquisition, image creation, interpretation and applications Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, PW
28.05 GIS and city co-ordinates (in co-operation with the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, PW and BPRW Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Technical University
04.06 Panorama of contemporary structure of the city - assessment, forecasting and modelling of the spatial development of Warsaw Faculty of Architecture, Technical University